Ferran Adrià’s Potato Chip Omelet Recipe (2024)



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Geoff Last

This is so easy and delicious but two things: 12 eggs, especially after they are whipped up, are too many, they won't fit into any non-stick pan known to mankind. I used 7 and it was tight. And unless you are a masoch*st, and I'm not judging, whip them up in a stand mixer or hand blender. I served it with some salsa; what a great appetizer.


I like the two-plate method of flipping better: Slide the omlet onto a plate face-up, cover with an identical plate, flip and return to the pan. Avoids dealing with flipping with a hot pan.


Loved it! So ingenious and simple. Made it twice, once whipping the eggs really fluffy, another time just barely. We actually preferred less fluffy! :-) Also, I couldn’t perform the inverted plate maneuver...resulting in some messy cleanup. So I went back to my trusted method of finishing the top at low broil in the over, spraying some EVOO on its surface. Scrumptious!


Do you think this works with Cheetos?


This recipe scales down easily and remarkably well. 4 eggs + 2 oz. chips for two servings, 6 eggs + 3 oz. chips for three servings -- the math is simple and the size of pan changed to suit the volume. And it's a lot easier (and safer) to flip over a smaller omelet.


If you want really fluffy eggs, separate the whites from the yolks, beat the whites until nearly stiff, beat the yolks and fold the beaten whites and yolks together. This results in really light fluffy eggs.


The flip is bravura silliness. Much easier to slide the half cooked omelette onto a large plate, place another plate face down on top of it, then just turn it over (no flipping skills required) and slide the omelette back into the pan.


I make a version of this Spanish Tortilla about once a week (we have chickens and ducks-it’s a great way to use up eggs). I use only 7-8 eggs, use Kettle Salt and Vinegar chips or Terra mixed root veg chips, add a splash of apple cider vinegar, lots of both smoked and hot paprika, and some jarred pimentos if I have them. Top w/chives. I also serve with a faux aioli (Best Foods mayo, finely minced garlic, more paprika and a dash of salt). Easy, looks fancy, and delicious.


I made with Lays chips after reading the comments about dryness using the thicker chips. I also sautéed a bit of onion and garlic in the oil before adding egg mixture. I thought it was very tasty and a pretty quick meal to make! I used only 9 eggs as 12 would make too much. 4 oz of chips. I have leftovers for lunch today! Flipping it was a challenge but I managed without spilling too much egg. May use the broiler as others suggested. Good recipe to play around with.


I learned to make a frittata by flipping at my Mothers knee . Never heard of broiling it till recent years when Frittatas became an "in" thing. Suggestion, if you have problems flipping you are using a pan too big for your strength or experience, like trying to learn to drive in a Mack truck. Make a 4 egg omelet and a small pan (7-9 inch), turn it onto your dinner plate and slide it back into the oiled pan. As you become proficient increase the amount of eggs and the size of your pan.


I don't care for browned eggs which when making omelets can ofter happen. Sometimes when I make an omelet and the browning is getting close to too much for my likes I remove the omelet from the pan undercooked. I then put it in the microwave for 30 seconds or so. It finishes the omelet PERFECTLY and makes it a bit fluffier as well.

Charles Michener

It's hard to handle an omelet with this many eggs. For 2 people, I used 5 eggs and a handful of Lay's potato chips because of their excellent potato flavor and thinness (the regular chips, not the flavored ones). I whipped the eggs with a splash of club soda to add lightness (good trick with pancake batter). I cooked them over very low heat (8 minutes), then sprinkled parmesan and parsley on top and finished under the broiler until lightly browned and crisp on top. Perfect and pretty.


Pretty good, but I thought it needed something; I happen to have some spinach-artichoke dip, so added a few dollops atop the finished omelet. Delicious chip-and-dip omelet!

Timothy Charlton

I think this is the culinary equivalent of the emperor's new clothes. If Ferran Adria says this is a good idea, then we of course will believe him. He may have been having a laugh. This omelet was terrible.I tried it again, but instead of chicken eggs, I used dragon eggs. And instead of potato chips, I used Doritos. It was equivalently as bed as the originalDon't bother making this recipe.


Go to the store and buy whatever it is that you like to add to your favorite omelet. Eat the chips on the way. This recipe ruined both the eggs and the chips. At least I had the good sense not to cook it for anyone else.


Instead of flipping the omelet can you toss it into the air like a pizza?


Wanted an ephemeral experience like the potato chip omelet in The Bear. My daughter rejected 1 oz of "cheesy and rich" potato chips, so I used that and 2 eggs. I overcooked the eggs, it was therefore a bit dry. Don't know that I'll be whipping this up for my family anytime soon, but certainly not so upset as some of the hater commenters below!


This recipe looked so promising…. MEH.


So quick and easy. Many of us probably have all of these ingredients in our homes already. I halved the recipe and it was good w/ a loaf of bread and a salad. My husband said it was "missing something" but I can appreciate the simplicity of it.

Camille Dumas

I have done it with different flavors and thicknesses of chips and it has always been quick, tasty, easy (except, skip the flip). But it needs more thought than we usually give bagged snacks and I think that's why there's so many unhappy comments.Use chips with plenty of salt and ideally some (unscientifically maligned) msg. Stale chips have higher humidity. Soak the chips until they're soft. Don't beat the eggs into toughness and don't overcook. Finishing in the microwave is perfect.


This sounded better than it was. Just bland!

scott draper

i was disappointed with the end result. it seems there are better things to do with a dozen eggs. i used uta bbq chips and the result was blah. i would ask when are potato chips a star ingredient


I have made this before, with regular potato chips and also with sour cream and onion. Both were delicious. This morning, inspired by this article, I made it with fried onions, normally used for green bean casserole. It too was delicious. There are notso any of us, so I halved the recipe. It also makes the flipping much easier.


Many years ago, I had the privilege of hearing Elly Ameling sing in a small capitol city in the American South. She performed some sort of barnyard song, apparently with the intention of pleasing the locals. A recipe for a potato chip omelette from Ferran Adria seems like he's elected to condescend to the plebs. That being said, it sounds pretty good, and Ms Ameling did do a pretty mean chook.

John Treat

It needs another ingredient. I don’t know what, but it’s lacking something.


Absolutely terrible recipe. I’ve enjoyed “tortilla de patata” in Spain numerous times but this is NOT it. Olvídalo. Forget about this!

Erin Maria

This needs salt, pepper, fresh minced garlic and some white onion. I also do this with 6 eggs as 12 egg ensemble is impossible to flip. Last, make a little aoli for dipping - mayo, lemon, garlic, paprika. Et Voila.


I’m astonished at the number of people who believe flipping the omelet is somehow Herculean. Use a plate that’s the right size and it’s easy, every time. But … I don’t ever do a dozen eggs and wouldn’t have a big enough plate for that, flipping or not. The outsized quantity, not the technique, is the problem here.


This is a great concept since making a true Spanish torts is a pain but I found using regular sea salted chips created a bland recipe. I’ll try a honey Dijon chips the next time with added herbs & more salt.


Ooph, was so excited about this one but it doesn’t even come close to the olive oil infused potato goodness of a traditional Spanish tortilla 😭

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Ferran Adrià’s Potato Chip Omelet Recipe (2024)


What is the history of the potato omelette? ›

A legend said that the general Tomás de Zumalacárregui, during the siege of Bilbao, invented the potato omelette as a fast and nutritious dish for his hungry soldiers. It is not known if this is true but, the potato omelette began to spread during the Carlist Wars.

What is the meaning of potato omelette? ›

The word tortilla, which is the diminutive form of torta, literally means 'small cake'. In European Spanish and in some variants of Latin American Spanish, it means omelette. A potato omelette is a tortilla de patatas or papas.

What is potato omelet made of? ›

Potato Omelet: a step by step guide

The ingredients for 6 people are: 6 eggs, 1 lb potatoes, a tuft of parsley, 4 oz parmesan cheese, salt, pepper.

How old is omelette? ›

Its origin is not very clear. On the one hand, according to The Chronicles of the Indies, we know that the first egg omelets were made around the year 1519, both by the Spaniards and by the Aztecs.

Do you cook onions before putting in omelette? ›

Eggs cook very quickly, so if you add raw onions to the egg mixture, your onions will be crunchy when the omelette is done. If you like your onions soft, cook them first with a pat of butter or olive oil, over low heat. Cook the onions until soft and translucent, or until brown and caramelized, however you like them.

What is the English name for omelette? ›

Omelet is the standard spelling in American English. In fact it appears about twice as often as omelette in American publications. But omelette beats omelet in British English. When you're choosing which spelling you should use, pick the one your audience will be more familiar with and stick with it in your writing.

What is omelette called in English? ›

An omelette is an egg dish that's folded in half and filled with cheese, meat, or vegetables. Next time you go out to breakfast, try ordering an omelette instead of your usual fried eggs! The word omelette is French, from a root meaning "thin, small plate," a reference to an omelette's flat shape.

Where did the Spanish potato omelet originate from? ›

The History of the Tortilla Española and Its Use in Spain

The one, the only Spanish omelet has its origins in the region of Extremadura. This is what expert Javier López Linage attests.

What is the origin of breakfast potatoes? ›

Hashed brown potatoes were a popular breakfast dish in New York City in the 1890s and were served in the finest hotels. Hash brown potatoes are diced, mixed with shortening and chopped onions, and then fried to form a browned potato cake.

What is the most famous omelette in the world? ›

The Omelette de la mère Poulard (Omelette of Mother Poulard) is an omelette developed by Anne Boutiaut Poulard, also known as Mother Poulard, in the 19th century in Mont-Saint-Michel, France. It is served at La Mère Poulard, her restaurant there, and at many other restaurants on the small island.

Where did the French omelette come from? ›

To further back up the French origins of omelettes, there is a tale about Napoleon and his army: The emperor Bonaparte was traveling with his army through a small town where a local innkeeper made omelettes.

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