6 Ways To Tell If You're Only In Love With The Idea Of A Person (2024)


6 Ways To Tell If You're Only In Love With The Idea Of A Person (1)

6 Ways To Tell If You're Only In Love With The Idea Of A Person

The fantasy can’t last forever.

by Candice Jalili and Corinne Sullivan


Originally Published:

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Before I met my current boyfriend, I thought I was in love multiple times. Looking back on those relationships and comparing them to the way I feel about my boyfriend now, I've come to the conclusion that I didn't love them. Instead, I think I only loved them in theory, so if you ever find yourself wondering, “Do I love him or the idea of him?” then you’re definitely not alone. It’s not always easy to tell the difference between the two, but chances are you won’t ever feel totally satisfied only loving someone in concept.

As Anita Chlipala, a licensed marriage and family therapist, previously told Elite Daily, loving the idea of someone usually has little to do with the person themselves. "I’ve asked clients, 'Why are you with your partner?' Their answer is, 'Because I love them.' When I ask, 'What else?' they struggle with answering the question,” she said. “If you truly love the person you are with, you should have no problem rattling off a litany of their characteristics and behaviors that you find endearing and make your partner special to you.”

Wondering how to tell if you like someone or just the idea of them? Here are a few signs you aren’t in love with that person.


You Can’t See Past Their Imperfections

If you truly love someone, you can accept them for who they are flaws and all. But according to clinical psychologist Dr. Joshua Klapow, you’ll know you only love someone in theory if you can’t accept those perceived flaws. As he previously told Elite Daily, if you begin to question your love for them "when they are angry, stubborn, smelly, mean, selfish, or sloppy... and it's hard for you to get past these things,” then you’re probably more in love with an idealized version of your partner than the reality.


You Wish They Would Change

Falling in love with the idea of someone means there’s a good chance you won’t just be irked by their flaws — you’ll want to actively change who they are. “There are some parts of one’s personality that will be different than yours and you can still have a healthy relationship,” Chlipala previously told Elite Daily. "If you are wanting a major overhaul of your partner’s personality and frequently wishing they would behave differently, then that’s an indicator that you don’t truly accept them.”


You Compromise Your Own Needs

When your partner does not live up to the expectations you set for them, you might find yourself changing your own expectations, if only to keep up the charade that everything is fine. “If you find that you are letting go of your core values or passions to make your relationship work, you may be settling," Cayla Buettner, matchmaker with Three Day Rule, previously told Elite Daily. "A healthy relationship will allow both partners to thrive, learn and grow — both separately and together."


You Often Feel Disappointed By Them

Even if you pretend not to notice their flaws and reevaluate your own standards, someone you only love in theory will still continually leave you feeling disappointed. As Dr. Klapow previously explained, “If you love your partner in theory only, then when you are with them they will rarely, if ever, live up to the idea of being in love. And you will notice that quickly.” The illusion of love can never serve as a substitute for the real thing.


You Can Imagine Being With Someone Else

Loving a concept rather a person means you can easily imagine replacing your partner for someone else. According to licensed clinical psychotherapist Dr. LeslieBeth Wish, the main thing that separates real, authentic love from loving the idea of someone is how attached you feel to your current partner. "You might start 'looking around' for a new person in your mind," she explained. "For example, you might be out with your friends or other couples and think to yourself: 'I wish my partner was like theirs.'"


You’re Afraid Of Being Alone

A reason why many people stay with someone they don’t truly love is out of fear. “A common fear is of never finding anyone and being alone forever, so people choose comfort and familiarity over taking the risk to find a good fit,” Chlipala previously said. According to her, you might even latch onto the idea of a person simply because “you’d rather have anyone around instead of dealing with your feelings of loneliness.”

True love isn’t always easy to recognize, but once you find it, I have a feeling you’ll know it.


Anita Chlipala, licensed marriage and family therapist

Dr. Joshua Klapow, clinical psychologist

Cayla Buettner, matchmaker with Three Day Rule

Dr. LeslieBeth Wish, licensed clinical psychotherapist

Editor's Note: This story has been updated by Elite Daily Staff.

This article was originally published on

6 Ways To Tell If You're Only In Love With The Idea Of A Person (2024)


How do you know if you just love the idea of someone? ›

  • 5 Signs You're in Love With the Idea of Love More Than With Your Partner. ...
  • You focus a lot on the good parts, giving little to no attention to your concerns. ...
  • You expect more from your partner than they can reasonably give. ...
  • You're willing to be in a painful relationship just so you feel some love rather than loneliness.
Jul 1, 2021

What does it mean to be in love with the idea of a person? ›

What does it mean, then, to like the idea of someone but not really like them? Put simply, it means you may be drawn to what a stable, loving relationship provides, or to a certain vision of who this person is in your mind, but not the actual person that you are currently in a relationship with.

How do you know if you're actually in love with someone? ›

To summarize: If you're overwhelmed by anticipation and attraction, you're probably infatuated. If your so-called “butterflies” have transformed into feelings of tenderness, trust, and genuine concern for your partner's well-being, you just might be in love.

Are you in love or in love with the idea of being in love? ›

Yes, being in love with the idea of love is a thing. And it can be more damaging to the relationship than you think. The difference between being in love and simply loving the idea of love is that you aren't really loving the person. You simply love the thought of this person and how perfect you two could be.

Do I like him or am I just desperate? ›

Signs you just like the attention

If you're only talking to them for attention, Wood says you might notice the following red flags: You feel anxious without their time or attention. You're emotionally unavailable, and you keep your guard up. You don't know much about them beyond the surface (and you don't care to).

How do you tell if they love you or the idea of you? ›

If he likes you, he'll be into you and think about you. If he's into the idea of who you could be, he'll likely be a huge fan of relationship goals, flaunting the fact that he has a girlfriend, or really gets crazy into the fact that you had a crush on him.

Do I love him or am I in love with him? ›

Loving someone differs from being in love because it involves platonic love. This type of love doesn't include sexual or romantic attraction, although you care for the person deeply. It's what you feel for close friends or family members rather than a romantic partner.

How do you tell if someone loves you but is hiding it? ›

17 signs someone is hiding their feelings for you
  • Observe their body language. ...
  • They pay attention to you. ...
  • Eye contact. ...
  • They make time for you. ...
  • They quickly apologize when they offend you. ...
  • Jealousy. ...
  • They don't say much. ...
  • The change in tone when talking to you.
Sep 20, 2023

Am I in love or is it just a crush? ›

How is crush different from love? A crush is often based on physical attraction and tends to be a short-term feeling. Love tends to involve a deeper level of understanding and deep affection, usually developing over time.

How do you know someone is your soulmate? ›

You know you've found a kindred soulmate when you pretty much agree on all of the small and big stuff. “You love the same things; laugh at the same jokes; agree and disagree with love and affection; compete with gusto but without bitterness or jealousy. These people share the same journey toward truth and love,” Dr.

What's the difference between I love you and being in love with someone? ›

Love refers to a sense of care, affection, and well wishes you hold for someone you have an emotional connection with. Being in love generally refers to the same plus a unique sense of emotional intimacy, a vision of your future together, and a desire to know them deeply and support them on their personal journey.

What's the difference between I love you and I am in love with you? ›

"Generally speaking, loving someone versus being in love with them refers to how active and intense that love is experienced or perceived," she notes. "For many people, being in love is intentional, active and intense.

What's the difference between being in love and saying I love you? ›

A key difference between loving someone and being in love with them is whether you have a strong sense of ownership and control over them or feel like equal partners in life. Having a sense of ownership of the person is largely thought of as taking place during the infatuation or in-love stage.

What's the meaning of Limerence? ›

noun. the state of being obsessively infatuated with someone, usually accompanied by delusions of or a desire for an intense romantic relationship with that person: Her limerence lasted for around three months before she actually met him.

What does it mean to like the idea of someone reddit? ›

Liking the idea of someone means you ignore the way that person actually treats you or the level of interest they actually show for you while focusing exclusively on a great connection you share, or a great trait they have, or a few good dates together, or something else you like about them.

What is the difference between falling in love and being in love? ›

In essence, falling in love is something that happens to us, call it destiny, fate, or divine intervention by Gods, and being in love is when we live by that choice not out of necessity or because theres no other choice, but because we cant imagine someone else filling that part of our lives…

What is unrequited love? ›

When you develop romantic feelings for another person who doesn't feel them back, it's unrequited love. Whether you're longing for your crush to make a move or you've told them how you feel and are rejected, this kind of love remains one-sided.

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